Frequently Asked Questions

Slow Streaming / Videos Hanging

If you are a frequent user of you should have observed the recent slow streaming service. This was a result of web host issues as our website is constantly growing. Note that we have now upgraded our servers and are well-equipped to serve you better. Newer content are uploaded to new servers and won’t be slow, while you might still experience slow streaming on old contents as we are still moving them to new servers.

Short Video Duration

Leak videos are not acted by pornstars, they are recorded and posted by just normal individuals and are generally short, they are published on our website as originally recorded and we cannot alter the duration. However, we promise to dedicate more time to finding lengthy leak videos.

Number Of Daily Uploads

We receive complaints about posting just 5 or 4 videos daily. This is as a result of our website being focused on leaked/homemade videos and these type of videos isn’t as rampant as other acted porn videos. We have always believed in quality over quantity and we value consistency.

Popup Ads On Our Site

You must have experienced adverts popping up on using our website of which some users complained heavily about. We sincerely apologize for this.

Popup and banner adverts are the only source of earning for Not long ago we tried introducing premium WhatsApp to eliminate popup adverts but it didn’t convert so well.

We spend about $1,800 – $2,000 per month to keep our website running. This covers monthly hosting fees and Editors salary payment. These popup adverts are the only way to keep up with these expenses, but we are currently looking for more user friendly advert forms and ways to serve you better.

Categorizing Videos

More video categories will be introduced and this will make surfing our website easier.

We’ll keep improving and assure to serve you better.